We have been painting properties for many years and pay meticulous attention to detail, treating each home as if it was our own.
We’ve brightened up hundreds of townhouses, houses and flats; existing and under construction over the years. Making sure your lounge, bedroom, or kitchen is the colour you always dreamed of is what we do best.
Our tradespeople respect your space and neighbours, and we guarantee to leave your carpets, tiles and furniture as we found them
Call now for a free quote: 083 700 3025 / 082 829 9640 .
Residential painting services include:
- House painting
- Townhouse and complex painting
- Roof painting
- Flats
Residential Painting Rates
We typically charge per square meter. However, every job is unique.
Call us now on 083 700 3025 / 082 829 9640 to find out more and get your free quote or consultation.
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Check out all the areas we cover with our painting services in Gauteng.